Case Study: How was built in Drupal7
Edit: Note the aim of this session is to create an discussion surrounding the use (configuration) of modules on this project. In particular Omega Theme and Delta and context modules we used extensively. Along with node /view relations. If you have questions about how to use/configure any of the modules listed below, please come and feel free to ask.
Patrick Goddard (thund3rbox), Mike Stewart, and Dan Carlson will provide a detailed case study of how we led a team that migrated an aging Joomla site to shiny new Drupal7 for The people at Audyssey design and build high-end audio gear and technologies for audiophiles… and they wanted a cutting-edge website that reflected their values.
This session will expand on a recent LA Drupal presentation on the site and will go into detail of how we ran the project, the tools we used, but mostly focus on how we built (and configured) a Drupal7 site to handle the needs of a an international company like Audyssey Inc., and how the site is utilized to help them and their 3rd-party partners in a global setting.
Some of the highlights we will discuss are:
- Project Goals
- Project Workflow
* Drush
* Grsync
* Various Project Management Tools (what worked, what didn’t)
- Modules we used, why we selected them, and how they’re configured
* context
* delta
* ds
* empty_page
* features
* fontyourface
* journal
* locale
* nice_menus
* omega
* panels
* SEO: a bunch
* views (plus: references, viewreference, views_field_view, views_slideshow)
* webform
- Web Server configuration (VPS & Apache setup highlights)
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