Views 3 Walkthrough
In this session I’ll walk through how to use the Views 3 module. I’ll cover some of the differences with Views 2, but mostly focus on stepping though the UI and creating a few example views. I’ll touch on most of the key features, including: the new creation wizard (or whatever you want to call it), format types, display types, filters, arguments (contextual filters), relationships, and more.
This is the first time I’ll be giving this presentation, so I’m open to suggestions about what material to cover. Please leave a comment with any requests or suggestions.
Possible additional topics (time permitting) might include:
- Theming views output
- Views Attach and it’s D7 successor, EVA
- Common views hooks available to alter views programmatically
- Your suggested topic
This session is for anyone who’s new to Drupal site building and wants to understand the power of Views (or even just what Views is). It is also appropriate for those with beginning Views knowledge looking to understand more about how the module works, or who want to get acquainted with the new Views 3 UI.
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What's New in Views 3?
I was asked for a list of other new features in Views 3 didn’t answer the question nearly as well as Lynette Miles at
Some highlights include:
Semantic Views
Pluggable back ends
Exposed Sorts
Group By
Views Or