I am a website themer and architect. I have been building websites since 1997 and working with drupal since 2005, and I now do drupal work exclusively. My focus is on theming and site architecture, but I often build sites from the ground up, so I have a little experience in everything to do with websites. I prefer to keep my work focused around my strengths, but when necessary, I can do a little server administration, module development or design.
I love doing contracting jobs with drupal development shops, especially when it gives me the opportunity to work with other drupal developers. I'm very interested in work with other consultants or drupal development firms on larger projects because the complexity of modern websites requires too broad of a skill set to properly implement on my own. Very much looking forward to working with you.
I have developed a great love for drupal over the last several years, not just for the software, but for the amazing community of people I get to work with, and for the open source philosophy to which it introduced me. Perhaps I am a little idealistic, but I believe that the open source approach to solving problems can be adopted by all forms of industry and policy makers to create a much better world for the future.
Specialties:Drupal, Custom Drupal Themes, Zen-based Subthemes, CCK/Views/Panels/OG configuration, Drupal Administrative Training, content architecture, interface design, website strategy consultation, website communities, leveraging social networks, SEO - search engine optimization.