Mobile first, responsive web, design for mobile devices blah blah blah
Responsive design/web should change how you think about and create Drupal themes. I will cover Drupal mobile approaches in Drupal 6 and 7 (brief overview), contrib themes you can use (and sandboxes), and how to build your own mobile first theme. There will not be too much talking in this sessions we will jump into demos to see mobile theming in action.
Media queries – (Do a find for Media queries)
Less Framework 4 –
Adapt.js –
Drupal 7 version Adapt.js –
Drupal 6 version Adapt.js – ( is running a version of this)
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Which is better
Which is better for developing themes? Slanket or Snuggie?
Snuggie, no?
Since Snuggie’s were first on TV, shouldn’t they win? Or is that too much of a “Zen” versus “Omega” theme poll. :P
Snuggie for sure
The Slanket is like the Kmart of blankets with arms, Snuggie wins hands down.